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General Physics
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Chapter 1 Units and Vectors
1.1 Units (2:04)
1.2 Vectors (21:53)
Chapter 2 Motion in One Dimension
2.1 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration (8:28)
2.2 Introduction to Kinematics Calculations (11:33)
2.3 Kinematics Calculations for Freely Falling Objects (6:42)
2.4 Diagrams of Position vs Time (4:57)
2.5 Diagrams of Velocity vs Time (7:19)
Chapter 3 Motion in Two Dimensions
3.1 Relative Motion (6:09)
3.2 Projectile Motion in One and Two Dimensions (19:06)
3.3 Projectile Motion Example #2 - Drop in height of a ball thrown by a pitcher (5:19)
3.4 Projectile Motion Example #3 - Projectile Fired at a Building (6:02)
Chapter 4 The Laws of Motion
4.1 Introduction to Forces, Fields, and Newton's Laws of Motion (7:08)
4.2 Introduction to Gravity, Normal Force, and Friction (8:38)
4.3 Examples Involving a Scale on an Elevator (11:50)
4.4 Examples Involving Pulling on a Horizontal Surface (9:26)
4.5 Examples Involving Inclined Planes (16:59)
4.6 Example Involving Tension (2:54)
4.7 Examples Involving Pulleys (11:27)
Chapter 5 Energy
5.1 Work (18:15)
5.2 Mechanical Energy (18:19)
5.3 Springs (13:16)
5.4 Power (6:33)
5.5 Work by a Varying Force (4:04)
Chapter 6 Momentum and Collisions
6.1 Momentum and Impulse (10:51)
6.2 Introduction to Elastic, Inelastic, and Perfectly Inelastic Collisions (4:00)
6.3 Collisions Example #1 - An Inelastic Collision (5:18)
6.4 Collisions Example #2 - Exploding Fragments as a Perfectly Inelastic Collision in Reverse (8:09)
6.5 Collisions Example #3 - Determining the Speed of a Bullet (9:15)
Chapter 7 Rotational Motion and the Law of Gravity
7.1 Rotational Kinematics (14:43)
7.2 Centripetal Force and Acceleration (7:16)
7.3 Examples Involving Centripetal Force and Acceleration (12:42)
7.4 Gravity and Centripetal Force and Acceleration (12:23)
7.5 Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion (8:38)
Chapter 8 Rotational Equilibrium and Rotational Dynamics
8.1 Introduction to Torque and Rotational Inertia (9:35)
8.2 Torque for a Door on a Hinge (3:06)
8.3 Torque Problems for Systems in Equilibrium Example #1 (4:55)
8.4 Torque Problems for Systems in Equilibrium Example #2 (11:12)
8.5 Torque Problems for Systems in Equilibrium Example #3 (8:13)
8.6 Angular Momentum and Rotational Kinetic Energy (9:09)
Chapter 9 - Solids and Fluids
9.1 Elasticity of Solids (21:09)
9.2 Density and Pressure (12:53)
9.3 Manometers and Barometers (9:07)
9.4 Buoyancy and Archimedes' Principle (21:47)
9.5 The Hydraulic Jack (8:30)
9.6 Hydrodynamics -- Laminar Flow and The Equation of Continuity (7:51)
9.7 Hydrodynamics -- Bernoulli's Equation (12:13)
Chapter 10 Gases
10.1 Pressure and Gas Laws (13:06)
10.2 The Combined Gas Law and Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures (6:27)
10.3 The Kinetic Model of Gases and the Perfect Gas Law (16:19)
10.4 Maxwell Distribution of Speeds (5:12)
Chapters 11/12 Thermodynamics
1 Introduction to the First Law of Thermodynamics (12:05)
2 Heat Capacities (11:28)
3 Internal Energy, Enthalpy, and Cp-Cv (9:32)
4 Expansion Work (8:46)
5 Calculations and Derivations Involving Internal Energy and Enthalpy (14:48)
6 The 2nd and 3rd Laws of Thermodynamics and Entropy (7:03)
7 Entropy Changes During Expansion and Heating (14:59)
Chapter 13 Oscillatory Motion and Waves
13.1 Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), Springs, and Pendulums (16:36)
13.2 The Frequency and Period of SHM (14:52)
13.3 Waves (12:35)
13.4 Standing Waves (11:01)
Chapter 14 - Sound
14.1 Wave Nature and Speed of Sound (7:37)
14.2 Sound Intensity and Intensity Level (6:20)
14.3 The Doppler Effect (7:14)
Chapter 15 Electric Forces and Fields
15.1 Charge, Insulators, and Conductors (6:37)
15.2 Coulomb's Law (20:03)
15.3 Electric Fields (12:47)
15.4 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium (4:02)
15.5 Gauss's Law and Electric Flux (13:50)
Chapter 16 Electrical Energy and Capacitance
16.1 Electric Potential and Potential Energy (20:59)
16.2 Capacitance and Parallel Plate Capacitors (13:08)
16.3 Capacitors in DC Circuits (17:14)
Chapter 17 Current and Resistance
17.1 Current and Ohm's Law (8:07)
17.2 Resistance (15:11)
17.3 Resistors in DC Circuits (21:48)
17.4 Voltmeters and Ammeters (2:45)
Chapter 18 - Complex Direct-Current (DC) Circuits
18.1 Sources of Emf (4:50)
18.2 Complex Circuits and Kirchoff's Rules (20:47)
18.3 RC Circuits (14:17)
Chapter 19 - Magnetism
19.1 Introduction to Magnetic Fields (5:29)
19.2 Magnetic Force on a Charge in Motion (13:17)
19.3 Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire (7:45)
19.4 Torque on a Current-Carrying Loop (8:07)
19.5 Magnetic Field Due to a Current-Carrying Wire (17:23)
19.6 Magnetic Field at the Center of a Current-Carrying Loop (2:35)
19.7 Magnetic Field at the Center of a Solenoid (3:36)
19.8 Final Thoughts on Magnetism (2:19)
Chapter 20 - Induced Voltages and Inductance
20.1 Introduction to Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law (6:40)
20.2 Application of Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law (19:54)
20.3 Motional Emf (11:54)
20.4 Generators, Motors, and Back Emf (9:30)
20.5 Mutual Inductance and Transformers (11:42)
20.6 Self-Inductance (4:25)
20.7 RL Circuits (14:25)
Chapter 21 - Alternating-Current (AC) Circuits and Electromagnetic Waves
21.1 Rms Current and Voltage in AC Circuits (2:25)
21.2 Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetism (6:59)
21.3 Introduction to Electromagnetic Radiation (13:32)
21.4 Energy, Power, and Intensity of Electromagnetic Waves (4:04)
21.5 The Doppler Effect (5:06)
21.6 The Polarization of Light (6:26)
Chapter 22 - Reflection and Refraction of Light
22.1 Plane Mirrors and the Law of Reflection (2:27)
22.2 Indexes of Refraction (3:21)
22.3 Snell's Law of Refraction (11:40)
22.4 Total Internal Reflection (3:35)
22.5 Apparent Depth (2:18)
Chapter 23 - Mirrors and Lenses
23.1 Introduction to Spherical Mirrors and Thin Lenses (5:30)
23.2 Concave (Converging) Mirrors (7:34)
23.3 Convex (Diverging) Mirrors (7:02)
23.4 Diverging Lenses (4:04)
23.5 Converging Lenses (11:21)
23.6 Calculations Involving Mirrors and Thin Lenses (12:10)
23.7 Combinations of Lenses (7:29)
23.8 Vision Correction (2:33)
Chapter 24 - Wave Optics
24.1 Double-Slit Interference (21:48)
24.2 Thin Film Interference (17:15)
24.3 Diffraction Gratings and Single-Slit Interference (4:48)
Chapter 25 - Quantum Physics
25.1 Blackbody Radiation (5:45)
25.2 The Photoelectric Effect (10:40)
25.3 The Bohr Model of the Atom and Electronic Transitions (16:20)
25.4 The Compton Effect (3:39)
25.5 The DeBroglie Wavelength of Matter (4:43)
25.6 Wave Functions (1:38)
25.7 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (3:30)
4.6 Example Involving Tension (2:54)
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